If you were someone who suddenly found yourself working remotely during the pandemic, you probably wondered more than once if it was possible to make a long-term career out of it. If you have the right new or used RV and a flexible job that allows you to work remotely, why not jump feet first into living the dream? Here are a few RV tips for working remotely – and why you should consider it.

Prioritize Connectivity
Wherever you go, make sure you stay connected. There’s a lot of freedom in being able to work remotely, but remember that you are still on a bit of a leash. Your employer still needs to be able to contact you, so make sure that wherever you go, you’ll have the WiFi needed to maintain an open communication line.
Many of our new and used RVs for sale have WiFi prep. If yours doesn’t, consider an upgrade to have a WiFi package installed. You’ll also want a backup power source, like a solar power package to rely on in the event of bad weather. Keep a couple of fully charged power banks on hand, as well, and consider putting a hotspot upgrade package on your cell phone in case your RV campground doesn’t provide WiFi connectivity.
Make Your Job Work for You
If you have any kind of flexibility in your working hours, put it to work for you! Work on weekends and use weekdays to explore different activities and things to do at your destination. Weekday discounts and fewer crowds can often yield more relaxing and fun outings.
Keep Work and Play Separate
Believe it or not, one of the best tips for time management while working remotely is to keep your work entirely separate from your play. It can help you stay focused and not be sidelined by distractions. Stop in to ask about some of our new and used RVs for sale that include an interior workspace. It’s definitely an essential feature!
Regular RV Service is a Must
Keeping your new or used RV in travel-ready condition is the first step to being able to travel at all! And adhering to an RV service schedule is just as important as adhering to your work schedule. Contact us today. We can get you on our books so you can get on the road!