Want to make the most of your vacation in your new or used RV? Take our RV tips for outdoors appsto put on your phone or device. They’re perfect for everything from extended camping trips to afternoons spent playing outside. Although camping trips are a great way to disconnect from the daily grind of technology, the right outdoors apps can actually help you enjoy the great outdoors even more.
Survive the Elements
Want to make handy camping skills fun and easy to learn? You’ll want the Army Survival app. This app includes how-tos on making a fire, shelter-building, tying knots, and more. Not only is it handy and practical, but it will increase your kid’s sense of adventure. And who doesn’t like showing off a new survival skill?

The First Star I See Tonight…
Once you have the StarTracker app, there’s no going back. The night sky is yours! Remember going to the planetarium as a kid? Well, now that planetarium goes with you – and right in your pocket. Your phone screen becomes an interactive map of the night sky. Just point the camera for instant identification of the planet, star, or star system you’re looking at. The basic version is free, but you won’t regret spending a few bucks on the full version, because it gives you overlay graphics of constellations so you can better identify what you’re looking at.

Flowers and Spiders and Trees – Oh My!
One of the best outdoors apps for exploring and learning more about the world around you is iNaturalist. Take a photo of something in your environment and let the giant in-app user database help you safely identify it almost instantly. The database covers everything from insects to plants to fungi and more. Make sure to turn on your device’s location when using the app, though, because different climates and habitats can make same species present differently.

These outdoors apps can help you maximize the fun and adventure you’re having on your camping trip, but the right new or used RV can also go a long way in making your vacation comfortable and convenient for the whole family. Contact us today for help picking out the right unit for your family’s needs!